Clinics We Offer



At the Salters Meadow Centre we offer a wide range of services.

  • Asthma, healthy heart and diabetes monitoring clinics - run by the nurses to help you achieve the best possible contol of your condition
  • Blood pressure (prevention/follow up)
  • Family planning -  This is a confidential service for all including teenagers. There are also Community Family Planning Clinics for the under 25s, please see Attached Services.
  • Morning after pill - please ask for a call back from your GP or the Family Planning nurse and say: It is urgent! If you prefer you can book an urgent same day appointment with the Family Plannning nurse or the Advanced Nurse Practitioner. You can also get emergency contraception from your pharmacist or the Minor Injuries Unit at the Samuel Johnson Hospital in Lichfield.
  • Sexual Health - The nurses do swabs for Chlamydia or unusual discharge. There are also Community Sexual Health Clinics you can attend, please see Attached Services.
  • Warfarin monitoring - These clinics are to monitor and support patients on Warfarin.
  • Maternity care - our midwive holds antenatal clinics Thursdays and Fridays.
  • Cervical smears
  • Menopausal advice
  • Child health and child immunisation - the health visitors hold Well Baby Clinics every Tuesday from 9:30 -11.30am.
  • Child development assessments/hearing tests
  • Well person checks 
  • Lifestyle advice service Obtain free help and advice on Health, Diet and Exercise. Self referrals accepted.
  • Alcohol advice
  • Travel advice and vaccinations
  • Flu vaccinations
  • Phlebotomy (Blood tests) - every day before 11.30pm. If you need to fast take only water from 10pm the night before until your blood has been taken.

Attached Services

District Nurses care for the chronically sick and terminally ill in the community. They also provide wound care and promotion of continence assisted by the infection control nurses.

Community Psychiatric Nurses promote mental health in the community. Responsible for special treatment and intervention of mental health needs.

  • Speech Therapist
  • Midwife
  • Health Visitor
  • Dietician
  • Chiropody team
  • School Nurses

To access speech therapy, chiropody or the dietician you need to be referred by your GP.

Telephone: 01543 671762 (Community)

a wooden cutting board

Sexual Health Clinics (Genito-Urinary Clinics)

These provide:

  • Information and advice on sexual health
  • Test and treatments for STI infections
  • Nurse Led Young People's Clinics
  • HIV/AIDS advice and testing
  • Post Exposure Prophylaxis
  • Results via text messaging
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Emergency contraception
  • Contraception and advice
  • Free condoms to registered patients
  • Smears for over 25 year olds

Call for free confidential advice on 0300 124 5022 to book an appointment or to find out the times of the walk-in clinics.

  • Genitourinary Medicine, Stafford Hospital, Weston Road, Stafford, ST16 3SA .
  • Genitorurinary Medicine, Cannock Chase Hospital, Brunswick Road, Cannock, WS11 5XY
Travel advise

Flu Clinics

The doctors would like to invite you for a Seasonal Flu vaccination if you are:

  • aged 65 or over
  • pregnant
  • the main carer of an elderly or disabled person whose welfare would be at risk if you, the carer, fell ill

Or have any of the following conditions:

  • Lung problems, including asthma 
  • Heart problems 
  • Kidney problems 
  • Liver problems
  • Previous stroke or TIA
  • Diabetes, including diet controlled diabetes
  • Have a condition, or are receiving treatment, which makes you susceptible to infections

We know that proper "flu" in these people is more dangerous and more likely to lead to complications. Please contact reception to arrange your appointment.

The flu vaccine does not contain any "live" virus so it cannot ever give you flu. (Naturally, you can still get a cold or other viral illness if somebody sneezes at you the day before you have your vaccine!)